Friday, December 2, 2011

3 months and learning

WOW! I cannot believe December is here already and that Riley will be 3 months old in just a few days!!! We are enjoying watching him grow and he is learning so fast. Already over 2 feet long and weighing 15.5 pounds, Riley now pretty much sleeps through the night, smiles all the time, reaches and grabs things, and sucks his thumb! He has a favorite toy already, a stuffed elephant and can sit in his chair and watch Baby Beethoven and A Muppet Family Christmas from start to finish. He is not a fan of Frosty the Snowman, but really, who is? Riley is not the only one learning new things over the past 3 months. I have learned many things that you will not find in any new parenting book. For example, ALWAYs leave the tags on things you buy, babies grow so fast that they may never get to wear it; buy sleepers without feet, you will get longer use out of them if you have a long baby; breastfeeding is horrible for the first 8 weeks but gets MUCH easier if you just give it a chance; All you will talk about is poop and gas; just because baby sleeps all night doesn't mean you will, can't hear him breathing? better check for the 10th time in that hour; The baby swing is your best friend; those late night feedings where you are tired and cranky will be forgotten when he looks up and you and gives you a big gummy grin! Those smiles make all the frusturation go away! We are looking forward to December and celebrating his first Christmas. We have the tree up and the cards ready to be mailed. His sister will be helping him with his letter to Santa and next week we will be taking Riley to meet Santa! I am so excited. Here are a few pictures of Riley!!!

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